Your business as a side job: CRM as an assistant

Your business as a side job: CRM as an assistant

Do you develop your business together with your main job? Just make one step to get a real leap!

part time job crm gnomguru

Your business as a part-time job: is CRM software useful for you?

Additional work is a reality for many people. Often it is your own small business. But when you give it time and money on a residual basis, it does not bring the return that it could. Now you can seriously improve its efficiency by installing special business management software!

Small business CRM advantages

The main advantage that Gnom.Guru scheduling app offers for the users is the capacity to assign routine tasks to a smart assistant. They usually take much time. But you can’t refuse them because they are important tools for increasing sales, which allow you to keep regular customers and stay on the market! Our customer tracking software let you do the following without any extra effort:

·         send meeting reminders to clients via messengers or SMS;

·         maintain a customer database that stores all necessary info about each client;

·         set up an automatic system of notifications, for example greetings or info about new offers;

·         use the loyalty program;

·         automatically provide discounts to customers when the specified requirements are met;

·         maintain your calendar & online scheduling;

·         maintain an individual balance for each client;

·         and do much more!

All these tasks will be done without your participation. Just spend a few minutes to configure the necessary parameters.

Setting up a work schedule

When your business is a part -time job, it usually has a specific schedule that depends on the schedule of the main job. In Gnom.Guru small business CRM you can choose your own timetable. It will allow you to combine main employment, additional work and leisure time. To do this, go to the Settings / Schedule section, where you can specify:

·         schedule of working days. Choose the appropriate option if you work in the 1/1, 2/2 or other mode;

·         weekends;

·         the limits of the working time;

·         specific schedule for a concrete day;

·         the day of beginning the work.

The customer accounting system is an indispensable tool that will work for you even when you’re busy with other things. Make it as effective as possible with Gnom.Guru!

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