Employee management with Scheduling app
Tips for managing your team
Tips for effectively managing your team
Employee management
with Scheduling app
Your services are in demand, the number of orders is
constantly growing and now you are not just an individual master but an
employer. When you thought about this decision it seemed that you only need to
choose qualified employees and continue to work in the same mode. But now it is
clear that you got one more task besides your usual duties. It is control of
your employees which is unlikely to be effective without Small Business CRM.
An important point to use its capabilities in full is
to immediately discuss with employees that all contacts-schedule-tasks and
other actions have to be fixed in One unified business management suite. It
applies to all things done by your workers and customers without any exception
such as Online Scheduling, services, incoming and outgoing calls etc. Only a
complete view of the work allows you to analyze the situation in customer
management correctly. Otherwise you will constantly hear something like "I
called him but didn’t fix in CRM Software ", "The client did not warn
about being late so I left" and so on.
Control of contact management
There are many different ways to contact with
customers such as social networks, messengers, SMS and calls. It is quite easy
to control most of them. You only need to have a corporate account for access
to correspondence, Calendar & Online Scheduling. In Business Management
Software Gnom.Guru you also can set up notifications with individual text for
certain events: for example to confirm a meeting, to remind about an
appointment etc.
Call control is a more difficult task. Their duration
can be tracked automatically but the content should be checked by employee
records. So give them a short form of call accounting in small business CRM which
includes at least two fields: goal and result. It can be supplemented with additional
sections if necessary. This allows you to understand whether your workers solve
the tasks during telephone communication and how they
communicate with customers. If you use scripts for Sales
Automation check their compliance by calls record which is also available in
Gnom.Guru Business Management App.
Service quality control
The main goal of your customers is the service and your
task is to ensure its stable quality. Due to customer tracking software you can
control the workload of masters. Client cards in Marketing Software for Small
Business allow you to control the preparation for the meeting.
If you have any doubts about the quantity of necessary materials you can always check it in person. Another important control tool is who have used services of the specialist. Set up automatic messages with a request to evaluate his work at the end of the meeting and you will receive first-hand information. Do not forget to understand the situation if the client is not satisfied to avoid such cases in the future. For the long term Marketing Automation you can analyze the number of revisits to concrete specialist. Real pro always has queue to him.
If you have any doubts about the quantity of necessary materials you can always check it in person. Another important control tool is who have used services of the specialist. Set up automatic messages with a request to evaluate his work at the end of the meeting and you will receive first-hand information. Do not forget to understand the situation if the client is not satisfied to avoid such cases in the future. For the long term Marketing Automation you can analyze the number of revisits to concrete specialist. Real pro always has queue to him.
KPI system
The above methods of control are the basic ways to
maintain the reputation of the salon. But if you are actively expanding and
would like to to long
term and high quality work try to create a KPI system for them. It is set of
key parameters for the overall assessment of the specialist's work. It often
includes the following indicators:
average amount per visit to estimate encompassing
number of revisits during the period;
customer feedback for work of the specialist.
You can supplement this system with your own
indicators for your activity. CRM and ecommerce system Gnom.Guru allows you to
easily calculate the totals for a month or another period.
Use Gnom.Guru to achieve maximum of your business!
If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer you!