Categories: perfect organization of your business
Learn how to properly manage categories of services, materials and products, facilitate and automate business.
When you’re running a small business you have to deal with enormous amount of information – all for the sake of effective customer accounting. Keeping track of services can be a real headache not easy to conquer even by the latest CRM systems.
GnomGuru App is created especially for accounting services to save you time and money. With its help you can categorize any aspect of your business and maintain order in your work.
Learn about possible categories below:
1.Service categories. If you offer a set of various services like beauty procedures or plumbing works, you can arrange them in groups for proper contact management.
2.Material categories. While dealing with business problems you can easily forget about a particular material for a service. With GnomGuru you will be able to categorize materials you will need and control your services perfectly.
3.Product categories. The same with products if you need a ready stuff not material for work. Actually, keeping these categories in order can lead to your sales increase as your business will become more ordered and thus effective.
If the number of services (materials, products) goes over 10-12, it becomes increasingly difficult to work with them.
Initially, you can sort your services (drag and release the right edge).

When the number of items exceeds the 2 screens, sorting is no longer enough to keep everything organized. It is necessary to group up the services.
Create a Category and add it to the service.

Note that a single service may belong to several categories. For example, Men Haircut
can be in two categories at the same time:
- Hair
- Men
You can use categories with materials and goods using the same methods.
GnomGuru App cares about your business in every aspect so, If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer you!
Go to the «Contacts» section or write us a mail: