Payment process description

Payments by credit cards are processed by AlfaBank – official service provider of VISA and MasterCard.

All the confidential information and data processing is made on service provider side. No one (even a seller) is able to get a credit card details. AlfaBank guarantees a total safety of personal data.

After successful payment, the receipt with identification number will be sent to payer’s email.

You need to fill out a short payment form:

1.       Payment system type (Visa, MasterCard)

2.       Card’s number (16 figures)

3.       CVC/CVV  (3 figures placed at the back of card)

4.       Owner name (exactly the same name as printed on a card)

5.       Card’s expiration date (exactly the same date as printed on a card)

All the questions related to payment process can be directed to AlfaBank support center or via phone +7 (495) 788-88-78 

Automatic Billing

You can enable a service of Automatic Billing during a payment process. 

To disable it go to, enter Cabinet, section Payments.