Online booking: it’s easy!
Booking customers online is very convenient, but what if you do not have a website? There is a solution!

Online booking: it’s easy!
Online booking without a website: how does it work?
Creating your own website is really expensive. In
addition to the cost of product development you will need funds for hosting and
domain name. Also be prepared to spend a lot of personal time for negotiating layouts,
choosing a provider, setting of marketing automation and making other
decisions. That’s clear why many small businesses were waiting for the ability of online booking without
a web-site.
Small business CRM Gnom.Guru offers the solution of
this problem. One unified business management suite automatically creates a
special web page on the basis of your account in scheduling app. This page for online
scheduling displays the following data:
your name and photo;
contact details shown at free electronic business card
current working calendar & online scheduling;
important information for customers;
list of services with prices.
All these data are taken from your profile in the Business
Management Software. The customer chooses one or more services that he needs,
then pick the date and time. When he confirms an appointment you automatically receive a
notification in business management app. It's easy!
Page setup
The page for sales automation has a flexible design that
adapts to computer or mobile phone. You can configure it to make it convenient
for you and your customers. In the display settings of customer management, you
can set:
algorithm of offering time for customers;
types of information about you;
contact details;
required contact management’s notifications.
On this special
Use online booking in small business CRM Gnom.Guru to
increase your sales!