Group services: abilities of Gnom.Guru

Group services

If you organize master classes or trainings for your clients, make the recording process as convenient as possible for everyone!

group services gnomguru crm

Group services: abilities of Gnom.Guru

Services for groups of customers are becoming increasingly popular. Their list is very wide: for example they are master classes in making jewelry or training to increase sales. Their authors have one common feature. All of them need a convenient tool to work in contacts-schedule-tasks space and to organize a meeting of participants with minimal time costs.

Creating a group service

Small business CRM Gnom.Guru provides a simple and effective option for this purpose. It gives the possibility of independent online scheduling for customers. They can make it at online booking page, provided for all users of our CRM.

Technically it looks like a sequence of simple steps:

1.       Select “Online booking” in scheduling app’s settings and turn on the slider “Services for client groups”;

2.       Select the list of services in “Services and sales” section and click plus to create a new service,  for example a master class in braiding;

3.       Scroll down to turn on the group service slider. Choose the maximum number of participants here. Here you can specify the workplace;

4.       Turn on the slider “Available for online order” below.

Now you are able to create new events with this service in the small business CRM. Select a day and time in your schedule, click on the corresponding field in the daily schedule and create an appointment. Do not forget to click on "Group service" field. You will see a full list of master classes and trainings created by you to select the needed one.

Booking of group services

Booking of group services in business management app carries on the online booking page. Client selects the service from the list and sees the available dates in the calendar. When he clicks “Book” you get a notification of a new appointment in the app. In “Notifications” section select “Default notifications and alarms” and set up the reminders about the event. For example they can be sent a week before the date of master class. When the maximum number of participants is reached booking is not possible more. In this case the waiting list is supposed to client. He will be able to make an appointment if another customer cancels his booking.

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