Live communication with customers – automatically!

Live communication with customers - automatically!

Now your customers will receive only important messages and always on time – but without unnecessary time costs!

communication gnomguru crm

Live communication with customers – automatically!

Nowadays, the life of almost any person is saturated with information. That’s why people delete many promotional mailings and contacts-schedule-tasks suggestions even without reading. But a message from your hairdresser or manicurist is another thing. This specialist already has a certain credit of trust from the client, and it is needed to use it correctly.

What should the message be?

Let's not dissemble: the main goal of any customer management is to increase sales. And communication with customers should also contribute to its achievement. To do this each sent message must meet two conditions:

·         to be directed to a particular person;

·         to contain important information for him or her.

Compliance with these two conditions already cuts off a large number of unnecessary messages that could be sent to the client within sales automation. If there is doubt that this information is needed, don’t send this message. At best it will be read and forgotten, at worst it will cause irritation about the attempt to offer something irrelevant.

How many and what messages to send?

Another important condition is that the messages sent to the client should not be scattered messages, but part of a well-thought-out contact management system. To create it you will have to spend some time. Think about what information is important for the client and when he should receive it.

For example, your own information system for participants of your workshops might look like this:

·         three days before the event – a reminder of the date and time of event;

·         the evening before the event – another reminder with more specific details such as when it is recommended to come and what to bring;

·         in the evening after the event – gratitude for the visit and information about bonuses accrued to the client;

·         a few days after the event – the announcement of the next master classes with the theme and date.

There is nothing superfluous – and only the necessary information for the person!

How to send

You can say it is good but takes too much time. Sending four messages related to only one event is so laborious! Yes, if you do it manually. No, if you use the capabilities of the CRM software.

To set up automatic messaging in business management software you need to spend time only once. Go to settings of customer tracking software, select the "Messages to customers" section and then "Default Messages" block. In Gnom.Guru you will be able to create templates of messages and choose one of ten individual values for them. For example you can use a name of the client, quantity of bonuses on his account etc. Now each your message will look as if you made it specially for your favorite client!

If you have any questions, we will be happy to answer you!

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