Calendar for employees

Calendar for employees

We have created a calendar of customer meetings available to your employees online. It contains only basic data – and nothing more!

calendar gnomguru crmCalendar for employees

The owner is a key figure of small business. Everything from the work schedule to the development strategy depends on him. But when the company grows it becomes clear that you need to delegate some tasks to employees. How can you do this without losing control of the company's work?

calendar screenshot gnomguru crm

Trade secret

The concept of trade secrets applies not only to large corporations. Owners of small companies also aren't ready to share information about their finances and methods of increasing sales. But there is a difficult dilemma. Do you prefer to devote employees to all the subtleties of the company's work to make them able to solve some problems or continue to do everything yourself to keep the confidentiality of your accountancy?

Users of Gnom.Guru small business CRM don’t have to choose between the advantages of these options. They can give their employees limited access to client information retaining all other data in scheduling app for personal use. Moreover, in order to organize such access they do not need any additional actions and devices: just smartphone and Internet are enough.

Mobile calendar

Usually an additional employee or device in CRM software requires additional payment. But the developers of the Gnom.Guru marketing software for small business have found a simpler and more convenient solution. All users who have an online record page created in our system can use its additional function.

This is a calendar of customer meeting recorded in business management app. They are divided by days. It contains brief but comprehensive information about all client visits, both past and planned. In the calendar you can find out the name and surname of the customer, the service and the time of meeting. If the master left a comment about the visit in customer tracking software, it is also visible for others. But employees are not allowed to edit or delete the events.

This option of getting access to the data contained in small business CRM is convenient for companies with seasonal work schedule or rapidly changing staff. If you are ready to give your employees more capacities in customer management, we also have an offer for you: we will tell you about it next time.

You can always find a convenient tool for solving your task in Gnom.Guru!

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